Tuesday 15 September 2015

New course!

Hi, we are in the school againg. I hope your holidays where amazing and you have come with new forces to the new course.
This year you will learn this new topics:
    - Digital Audio.
    - Programming.
    - Advancend internet.

See you soon.

Friday 9 January 2015

Text processor: Writer

I'll expect the Three Kings have brought a lot of things to you because you have been very good kids last year.

Today we start a new unit, we will learn how to use Writer, a free text processor. It belongs to the suite Libre Office. All the tutorials and activities are in the Virtual Room, please log-in and download them.

I'll expect you enjoy it and learn a lot, because it will be very useful for you in your academic live.

Monday 22 December 2014

Christmas Post!

You should write a new post in your blog talking about a technological object (laptop, tablet, smartphone...) that you want the Three Kings bring to you next 6 of January. You should write about its main characteristiques and advantatges over other similar products.

Friday 26 September 2014

Hello students!


This is the blog for my 1ESO students of CIT.

Here you will find resources useful for your lessons and taks to do alongside the course.

I'll expect you lear a lot this year while you enjoy the lessons.

If you have any doubt you can e-mail me at asaura@iesgadea.es